
We provide innovative and sustainable context-specific and practical solutions to the complex development challenges. We deliver a clear description and analysis of development problems to our partners in development, our clients. We use robust data collection, management and analysis methods and cutting-edge analytical techniques to understand socio-economic challenges faced and advise our clients accordingly. Furthermore, we have a practical perspective to sustainable development, paying heed to the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental issues.Our services are classified as follows:

  • Design, roll-out, management, review and analysis of development research projects;
  • Program evaluation, evaluation of public policies in agriculture, infrastructure, health, education;
  • Collection of wide-ranging primary and secondary data, leveraging the most up-to-date technology;
  • Development of M&E system, tools (e.g. dashboards, survey instruments) and protocols
  • Creation of data efficient data analysis tools and data visualization dashboards;
  • Creation of programming algorithm for digital data collection and processing;
  • Technical advice to private, public and non-profit actors involved in the development arena;
  • Capacity development especially in cutting-edge development research and in market development.

We provide a full suite of research support for research projects, including research design support, development of data collection protocols and field plans, programming and implementation of computer-assisted interviewing, data quality monitoring, and data management and archiving, data analysis and report writing.